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Defining Nothingness

The conference is to examine the concepts of nothingness, metaphysical negativity and non-being across all historical and contemporary traditions. It is meant to approach the question: How can we speak of, or even conceive, nothing? For this purpose, the event straddles metaphysics and history of philosophy, Western and Eastern traditions, as well as Analytic and Continental schools.

Organizing committee of the conference:
Prof. Tatiana Lifintseva, HSE University Moscow
Dr. Tatiana Levina, Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities (KWI) Essen
Dmitry Tourko, HSE University Moscow

The conference is to be held online on January 10-11, 2022, in English. Our keynote lecture will be delivered by Prof. Graham Priest (CUNY Graduate Center)." 

The conference was prepared under a grant from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research "Defining Nothingness: Conceptions of Negativity in Continental Philosophy" 20-011-00927 in 2021"

See the programme here.