"Different Autobiographies": A View from Italy
May 7-11, 2013 Padua and Verona, Italy, hosted two conferences devoted to the perspective of autobiographical texts studies. They were organized as part of the project of Italian scholars from the department of linguistics and literature of Padua University "La rifrazione del Sé: Forme e generi autobiografici e memorialistici nella cultura russa del XIX e XX secolo" (Reflection of the Self: autobiographical and memoir forms and genres in the Russian culture of the XIX-XX centuries). Among the participants of the conferences was a delegation of the Research Group for Interdisciplinary Research In Autobiography (the group leader, professor Yuri Zaretski and students Marina Kibalnaya and Nadezhda Razhukova).
May 7-11, 2013 Padua and Verona, Italy, hosted two conferences devoted to the perspective of autobiographical texts studies. They were organized as part of the project of Italian scholars from the department of linguistics and literature of Padua University "La rifrazione del Sé: Forme e generi autobiografici e memorialistici nella cultura russa del XIX e XX secolo" (Reflection of the Self: autobiographical and memoir forms and genres in the Russian culture of the XIX-XX centuries). Among the participants of the conferences was a delegation of the Research Group for Interdisciplinary Research In Autobiography (the group leader, professor Yuri Zaretski and students Marina Kibalnaya and Nadezhda Razhukova). Although the first experience of such cooperation between the Italian slavists engaged in autobiographical texts studies and the Research Group, this collaboration prooved not only interesting, but also productive for the both parties.