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Research Group for Interdisciplinary Studies of Autobiography

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The project is devoted to studying Russian autobiographical testimony from the 18th century in a European context. The main hypothesis that underpins this project is that the appearance of Russian autobiographies, diaries, memoirs, and personal letters in the 18-19th centuries was triggered by social and cultural transformations analogous to those that gave rise to such autobiographical practices in Western Europe. It is hoped that a general European context in looking at Russian accounts of the self will enable us not only to refresh our understanding of these sources but also to capture facets of Russian culture more deeply.

International Conference “Autobiographical Writings in an Interdisciplinary Research Environment: Individuals, Texts and Practices – II”

Dear friends! We are glad to publish the program of our June conference!

The report of Ruslan Mamedov on the Seminar of the Research Group for Interdisciplinary Studies of Autobiography

 On September 14 the HSE autobiography Research and Study group held its first seminar. The speaker, Ruslan Mamedov, a third year history student at HSE, presented a paper on “Amanat as a mediator in Russian imperial policy in the North Caucasus. The memoirs of Musa Kundukov”.

2016 Autobiography Conference: Report

For a report of the 2016 HSE autobiography conference, click here

A presentation by Z.M. Kobozeva (SGAU)

March 30, 2016 Z.M. Kobozeva (SGAU) made a presentation at joint seminar in Russian State University for Humanities

A regular meeting of the members of the Group

On 3 March the members of the Group met to discuss working plans for March and April 2016

The Paper of E.K. Karpenko (NRU HSE)

On February 22 E.K. Karpenko (NRU HSE) presented the paper entitled "Russian Autobiographical Documents at the XVIII Century (towards the methodology for the research with documents)" at the regular seminar of Research Group

"Different Autobiographies": A View from Italy

May 7-11, 2013 Padua and Verona, Italy, hosted two conferences devoted to the perspective of autobiographical texts studies. They were organized as part of the project of Italian scholars from the department of linguistics and literature of Padua University "La rifrazione del Sé: Forme e generi autobiografici e memorialistici nella cultura russa del XIX e XX secolo" (Reflection of the Self: autobiographical and memoir forms and genres in the Russian culture of the XIX-XX centuries). Among the participants of the conferences was a delegation of the Research Group for Interdisciplinary Research In Autobiography (the group leader, professor Yuri Zaretski and students Marina Kibalnaya and Nadezhda Razhukova).

Book: Author and Biography, Writing and Reading

The collection contains papers from Author and Biography, Writing and Reading seminar held at the Faculty of Philosophy of the HSE in February - April, 2011. It confronts theoretical and methodological issues of biography and autobiography studies and offers analyses of particular (auto)biographical texts from the Antiquity to the XX century. The book is primarily aimed at historians, literary historians, literary scholars, psychologists. It is also recommended for non-specialist audiences interested in the Renaissance history and theory, history of the Russian Raskol, autobiographies, the Italian Renaissance culture.