Associate members
Russian participants:
- Vitaly Bezrogov
Doctor of pedagogical sciences, assistant professor, senior academic staff member, corresponding member of RAO, leading academic staff member at the Institute of theory and history of pedagogy, RAO
- Olga Kosheleva
Doctor of historical sciences, leading academic staff member of the sector of historical anthropology and the history of the everyday at the Institute of universal history, RAS
- Irina Kulakova
Candidate of historical sciences, assistant professor, member of the International society of historians of the 18th century
- Elena Nikitina
Candidate of philological sciences, senior academic staff member of the sector of general psycho-linguistics in the division of psycho-linguistics at the Institute of languages, RAS;
- Mikhail Roshchin
Candidate of historical sciences, senior academic staff member of the Center for the study of Central Asia, the Caucasus and the Ural-Volga region at the Institute of Eastern studies, RAS
- Vladimir Selivyorstov
Master of philosophy, Ph.D. candidate in the philosophical faculty NRU HSE;
- Evgenia Nikitenko
Ph.D. candidate in the department of history and philology of South and Central Asia IVKA RSHU.
- Yaroslav Pakshin
Student of the History Department of Moscow University.
- Konstantin Petrikov
Student of the History Department of Moscow University.
- Anatoli Pinski
Associate Professor at European University in St.-Petersburg.
Foreign participants
- Dr. Arianne Baggerman
Prof. at the University of Rotterdam, University of Amsterdam
- Dr. Claudia Criveller
Lecturer at the Departimento di Studi Linguistici e Letterari, Università degli Studi di Padova
- Dr. Rudolf Dekker
Center for the Study of Egodocuments and History, Amsterdam
- Dr. Andrea Gullota
Lecturer at the School of Modern Languages and Cultures, University of Glasgow
- Dr. Francesca Lazzarin
Università degli Studi di Padova
- Dr. Irina Savkina
Lecturer at the School of Modern Languages and Translation, University of Tampere
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