Формальная философия - 35
15 марта состоялось очередное заседание НУГ "Формальная философия". Хорхе Мендес-Мартинес выступил с докладом "On what there is not, fictional objects and problems concerning logical models"
I think, however, that free-logic models face some problems that call for a review, mainly if we consider new accounts (Sainsbury and Thomasson): the difference concerning nonexisting objects (from merely fictional objects to unactualized objects); the problem of intransivity, namely, when real-world predicates cannot be applied to nonexisting objects; and, finally, if the existence predicate (E!) attaches, or not, properties that are probably not being fully considered by the free-logic models. These are the issues I intent to address here and that is, for sure, an attempt to explore the bounds of logic.
См презентацию доклада: On what there is not.pptx