Forthcoming joint paper about visual culture
Ilya Inishev and Yuliya Biedash prepared an article on heuristic potential of hermeneutic image conception within discussions on contemporary visual culture.
The article on "Seeing an Image – Being-in-the-World: The Interconections between Visuality, Spatiality, and Agency in Philosophical Hermeneutics" should go in Problemos. 2013. №84.
The abstract:
H. G. Gadamer has analysed the image as the visual, spatial and social phenomenon expanding and thereby transforming the accustomed notion of iconic experience. The image is not primarily an object of research for aesthetics and art criticism, but a social phenomenon which has to be considered in its real and imagined character as well as in its interrelations with the lived world structures. By blurring boundaries between art and life in his image theory Gadamer opens up an array of opportunities for the analysis of iconic practices in all their variety: from science to theater.