Ilya Inishev (head of the project)
Docent of cultural sciences, head of the master's proramme "Visual culture"
Paper's title: "Significant surface: What does make corporality the factor of contemporary culture?"

Yuliya Biedash
(co-head of the project)
Senior lecturer of cultural sciences
Paper's title: "Visual consumption as a form of intensification of everyday experiance".
Natalya Baryshnikova
master's programme student
Paper's title: "Heterotopia in the architecture: the way to the image of the city".
Mariya Chernovskaya
4th year student
Research interests: aesthetics, connection of classical aesthetic thoughts woth modern theories of aestheticization, philosophy of art, perception of art objects in diferent spaces (office/museun/street)
Victoriya Kazmina
4th year student
Research interests: Visual Theory and History (especially studies on photography), Memory Studies, Trauma Studies, Urban Studies, A esthetics, Philosophical Hermeneutics. In this study group I am trying to find iterrelations of these different scientific fields
Mariya Sarycheva
master's programme student
Education department assistant in Garage, center of contemprorary culture. The main interest is curatorial practice research.
Dana Smolyakova
4th year student
Research interests: the problem of corporeality and spaciality, the contemporary city.
Evgeniya Strizhak
4th year student
Му research interests include such seemingly different methodological areas as the image theory and art history. While the first seeks to understand the nature of the image, and the mechanisms by which it manages to become a part of social relations, as a subject, the second turns out to be locked in the perspective of art as a medium and focused on its history as continued tradition. The theme that unites these two vectors, for me became the theme of memorization, closely associated in the history of art with the name of Aby Warburg and his project of the Atlas of Mnemozine. As part of my goal in NUG is to investigate interrelationships of these areas, and the entry point into research for me this is the phenomenon of memory.
Paper's title: "The image as an index of death. Cultural memory as an actualization of the absence".
4th year student
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