Visuality/Visual Culture
- Berger_Ways of Seeing.pdf, 1972.
- Dikovitskaya, Margaret (2005), Visual Culture: The Study of the Visual after the Cultural Turn, MIT Press
- Evans J., Hall S. (1999). Visual Culture: The Reader, Sage
- Foster, Hal (Ed.) (1988), Vision and Visuality. Bay Press, Seattle
- Handbook of Visual Analysis (2001), Sage
- Howells R., Negreiros J. (2012) Visual Culture, Polity Press
- Interpreting the Visual Culture: Explorations in the Hermeneutics of the Visual (1999), Routledge
- Jenks, Chris (Ed.) (1995), Visual Culture. Routledge
- Mirzoeff, Nicholas (1998), Visual Culture: Reader, Routledge
- Mirzoeff, Nicholas (1999), An Introduction to Visual Culture. Routledge
- Rampley, Matthew (2005), Exploring Visual Culture: Definitions, Concepts, Contexts, Edinburgh University Press
- Rose J. (2001), Visual Methodologies. An Introduction to the Interpretation of Visual Materials. Sage
- Sturken M., Cartwright L& (2001), Practices of Looking: An Introduction to Visual Culture. Oxford University Press
Image Theory/Pictorial Turn
- Flusser V. (2011), Into the Universe of Technical Images. The University of Minnesota Press
- Goodman, Nelson (1968). Languages of Art: An Approach To A Theory of Symbols
- Hopkins R. (1998), Picture, Image and Experience. Cambridge University Press
- Hyman J. (2006), The Objective Eye: Color, Form, and Reality in the Theory of Art. The University of Chicago Press
- Kulvicki J.V. (2006), On Images: Their Structure and Content. Clarendon Press
- Lopes, Domenic (1996), Understanding Pictures, Oxford University Press
- Lopes, Domenic (2005), Sight and Sensibility: Evaluating Pictures. Oxford University Press
- Marion J.-L. In Excess: Studies of Saturated Phenomena. New York
- Mitchell W.J.T. (1986). Iconology: Image, Text, Ideology, The University of Chicago Press
- Mitchell W.J.T. (1994). Picture Theory: Essays on Verbal and Pictorial Representation, The University of Chicago Press
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- Mondzain M.-J. (2005). Image, Icon, Economy. Stanford University Press
- Moxey K. (2008), Visual Studies and Iconic Turn (article)
- Nancy J.-L. (2005), The Ground of the Image. New York
- Walton K. (2008), Marvelous Images. On Values and the Arts. Oxford University Press
- Wiesing, Lambert (2010). Artificial Presence: Philosophical Studies in Image Theory, Stanford University Press
- Wollheim R. (1998), On Pictorial Representation (article)
- Wollheim R. (1990), Seeing-as, Seeing-in, and Pictorial Representation, in: Wollheim R. Art and Its Objects. Cambridge University Press, 1990
- Belting H. (2001), Bild-Anthropologie. Entwürfe für eine Bildwissenschaft. Wilhelm Fink Verlag
- Böhme G. (1999), Theorie des Bildes. Wilhelm Fink Verlag
- Boehme G. (2007), Wie Bilder Sinn Erzeugen. Die Macht des Zeigens. Berlin University Press.
Contemporary Social Theory
- Urry, John (2000), Sociology Beyond Societies. Routledge
- Dant, Tim (2003), Critical Social Theory. Sage
- Ritzer G. (1997), Postmodern Social theory
- Ritzer G. (2011), Globalization: The Essentials. Willey-Blackwell
- Elliot A. (2009), Contemporary Social Theory: An Introduction, Routledge
- Webster F. (1995), Theories of Information Society, Routledge
- The Castels Reader On Cities ans Social Theory, Blackwell 2002
Urban Theory/Urban Sociology/Sociology of Space
- Michiel Dehaene, Lieven De Cauter Heterotopia in the City. 2008
- Urry, John (1990), The Tourist Gaze. Sage
- Urry, John (1995), Consuming Places. Routledge
Aesthetization of Everyday Life/Contemporary Aesthetics
- Welsch, Wolfgang. Undoing Aesthetics.
- Alexander J. Iconic Experience in Art and Life.pdf // Theory, Culture & Society (2008), 25 (5), p. 1-19.
- Böhme G. Atmosphere as the Fundamental Concept of a New Aesthetics // Thesis Eleven. Number 36. P. 113-126.
- Featherstone M. The Aesthetization of Everyday Life // Featherstone M. Consumer Culture and Postmodernism, Sage (2007)
- Fischer-Lichte E. The Transformative Power of Performance. A new Aesthetics. Routledge, 2008.
- Gumbrecht H.-U. Aesthetic Experience in Everyday Worlds (2008)
- Rancière J. Thinking between disciplines: an aesthetics of knowledge // Parrhesia, vol.1, 2006.
- Seel M. Aesthetics of Appearing. Stanford, 2005
- Simmel On Culture: Selected Writings Theory, Culture & Society
- Maffesoli, Michel. The Ethic of Aesthetics
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