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Illustration for news: Denis Fedyanin: "Threshold and Network generalizations of Muddy Faces Puzzle"

Denis Fedyanin: "Threshold and Network generalizations of Muddy Faces Puzzle"

Denis Fedyanin (ICS RAS) gave a talk "Threshold and Network generalizations of Muddy Faces Puzzle" at the Formal Philosophy Seminar.

Illustration for news: Vladimir Krupski: Vladimir Krupski (MSU) gave a talk "On Modelling of Belief and Knowledge in Social Networks"

Vladimir Krupski: Vladimir Krupski (MSU) gave a talk "On Modelling of Belief and Knowledge in Social Networks"

Vladimir Krupski (MSU) gave a talk "On Modelling of Belief and Knowledge in Social Networks"

Illustration for news: Melvin Fitting: "On Modalities and Quantifiers"

Melvin Fitting: "On Modalities and Quantifiers"

Professor Melvin Fitting (CUNY) gave a talk "On Modalities and Quantifiers" at the Formal Philosophy Seminar.

Illustration for news: Frode Alfson Bjørdal: "All Properties are Divine or God exists"

Frode Alfson Bjørdal: "All Properties are Divine or God exists"

On October 16th Frode Alfson Bjørdal (professor emeritus at The University of Oslo) presented a talk "All Properties are Divine or God exists" at the joint meeting of Logico-philosophical club and Formal philosophy group (HSE)

Illustration for news: Formal Philosophy-37

Formal Philosophy-37

Allard Tamminga (University of Groningen) gave a talk called «Katz’s Revisability Paradox Dissolved».

Illustration for news: Formal Philosophy-36

Formal Philosophy-36

Paolo Valore (Università degli Studi di Milano) gave a talk called «A Critical Evaluation of the Standard Ontological Commitment: the Quantificational Paradigm Challenged»

Illustration for news: Formal Philosophy – 35

Formal Philosophy – 35

The seminar Formal Philosophy – 35 was held on March 15. Jorge Méndez Martínez gave a talk called "On what there is not, fictional objects and problems concerning logical models"

Paper by Alexander Mishura

The theme of the paper  is 'Crossing the Line: New Intuitions Behind Frankfurt-Type Cases'.

Illustration for news: "The Bounds of Logic Reloaded"

"The Bounds of Logic Reloaded"

20 и 21 октября в НИУ ВШЭ состоялся международный воркшоп «Границы логики: перезагрузка» ("The Bounds of Logic Reloaded"), организованный Школой философии, Лабораторией философских исследований и научно-учебной группой «Формальная философия».

Illustration for news: "The Bounds of Logic Reloaded"

"The Bounds of Logic Reloaded"

20 и 21 октября в НИУ ВШЭ состоялся международный воркшоп «Границы логики: перезагрузка» ("The Bounds of Logic Reloaded"), организованный Школой философии, Лабораторией философских исследований и научно-учебной группой «Формальная философия».