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Участник НУГ аспирант Алена Апаева приняла участие в XXIII Всемирном философском конгрессе «Философия как исследование и образ жизни» (Philosophy as Inquiry and Way of Life)

Конгресс проходил с 4 по 10 августа в Афинах (Греция). Алена выступила с докладом «Мартин Хайдеггер о предельном философском мышлении». Мы публикуем тезисы ее доклада

M. Heidegger about marginal philosophical thinking

The report deals with one of the most actual philosophical problems – the problem of human being in the world. But we don’t able to speak about human being without concerning the being in a whole. Only due to the omnipresent being itself our being becomes possible. Being for humans in the contemporary world is no longer the true transcendence, as philosophy for them is no longer the authentic work. Heidegger aims to create the philosophy, which would ask about being as the first reason and the last ground.

Philosophical thinking must be the marginal thinking. Only in the marginal philosophical thinking, which is the authentic metaphysical thinking, man is able to seclude himself to his pure being, to his Dasein. Metaphysical thinking is thinking in marginal notions about marginal things. The marginal things for Heidegger are being as ruling existence and being as inner essence of everything.

Heidegger refers to the ancient Greek notion of φύσις. In this name of the initial being concealed what for Greeks sovereignly determined human being. Φύσις as self creating dominion covered and kept in his power all in the world. The path of comprehension of φύσις in the modern world may be only through negation, through the comprehension of Nothing. What is included in a circle of human life is more or less obvious. Nothing is beyond any evidence. Man, having met with horror, aims to reach it in his philosophical thinking.

There are two ways of authentic marginal philosophical thinking. Except the metaphysical philosophical thinking, there is also the way of poetic reflection. Heidegger reflects on the poetic saying of Novalis and finds that the fundamental philosophical spirit is nostalgia. Thinking on such issues, Heidegger wants to return the fundamental philosophy, with the help of which man will be able to enter into the authentic being that is the philosophical being.