Formal Philosophy Seminar (HSE)
The Formal Philosophy Research Seminar is devoted to the use of formal analysis tools for the explication of a perspective of modern logic, ontology, epistemology and the philosophy of language. Special attention is given to dynamic and game-theoretic models and related approaches.
Co-chairs: Doctor of Sciences in Ontology and Epistemology Elena Dragalina-Chernaya, Doctor of Sciences in Logic Vladimir Vasyukov.
Executive secretary: Candidate of Sciences Vitaliy Dolgorukov.
10/9/2012 | Elena Dragalina-Chernaya | Opening of the Formal Philosophy Seminar; Presentation of the book by Elena Dragalina-Chernaya |
11/9/2012 | Vitaliy Dolgorukov | Analysis of Scalar and Quantitative Implicatures Using Tools of Game Theory and Optimality Theory |
11/23/2012 | Elena Dragalina-Chernaya | Logic of Forbidden Colors |
12/7/2012 | Vladimir Vasyukov | Quantum Games |
2/5/2013 | Vladimir Vasyukov | Non-Fregean Games |
2/22/2013 | Andrei Rodin | Categorial Logic and Hegelian Dialectics |
5/28/2013 | Alexander Anisov | Textual Forms of the Systematization of Ideas |
10/8/2013 | Vitaliy Dolgorukov | Criteria for Distinguishing Implicatures and Presuppositions from the Point of View of the Equilibrium Semantics |
11/5/2013 | Elena Dragalina-Chernaya | CATCH-6.54 |
11/26/2013 | Vladimir Vasyukov | Ontology of the Unattainable Worlds or How is the Alethic Modal Logic Possible? |
12/17/2013 | Andrei Krushinskiy | Logic of Ancient China |
4/11/2014 | Sergei Pavlov | The Notion of Assertion and Formalization of its Definition |
4/16/2014 | Meghyn Bienvenu | Ontologies in Computer Science and Description Logics |
9/23/2014 | Irina Starikova | The Role of the Visual in Formation of Mathematical Concepts |
11/12/2014 | Vitaliy Dolgorukov | The Mechanisms of Contextual Updates |
11/25/2014 | Elena Dragalina-Chernaya | If a Lion Spoke, or Who is Afraid of the Logical Space? |
11/27/2014 | Vladimir Vasyukov | Categorical Formal Epistemology |
12/4/2014 | Andrei Banovats | Topological Analysis of Implication and the Modus Ponens Rule of Inference |
2/11/2015 | Elena Dragalina-Chernaya, Vladimir Vasyukov, Vitaliy Dolgorukov | 'Logica Ludicra', Presentation |
2/24/2015 | Fabien Schang | Relative Charity |
3/17/2015 | Allard Tamminga | Collective Obligations and Individualism |
3/24/2015 | Allard Tamminga | Collective Obligations and Joint Plans |
4/9/2015 | Alexandra Pavlova | The Truth and Cognitive Presumptions |
4/13/2015 | Ethan Nowak | Complex Demonstratives are Definite Descriptions |
5/19/2015 | Sergei Pavlov | Logic of Symbolic Expressions for Formal Philosophy |
11/17/2015 | Vladimir Vasyukov | Dynamics of Intentionality and Combinations of Non-Classical Logics |
12/8/2015 | Elena Lisanyuk | Justification and Belief. Does the Argumentative Dispute Have a Formal Solution? |
12/15/2015 | Angelina Bobrova | Charles Peirce's 'Moving Pictures of Thought': Logic or Philosophy? |
3/16/2016 | Elena Dragalina-Chernaya | Presentation of the Monograph |
4/26/2016 | Vitaliy Dolgorukov | I Know That You Know That I Know: Interactive Rationality & Bayesian Pragmatics |
5/18/2016 | Fabien Schang | Epistemic Disagreements |
10/28/2016 | Vitaliy Dolgorukov | Social Influence Within Dynamic Epistemic Logic: Plausibility Models |
12/19/2016 | Vitaliy Dolgorukov | Social Influence Within Epistemic Logic |
02/16/2017 | Elena Dragalina-Chernaya | The Right Use of Names: A Game-Theoretic Interpretation |
03/15/2017 | Jorge Méndez-Martínez | On What There Is Not, Fictional Objects and Problems Concerning Logical Models |
04/25/2017 | Paolo Valore | A Critical Evaluation of the Standard Ontological Commitment: the Quantificational Paradigm Challenged |
04/25/2017 | Allard Tamminga | Katz’s Revisability Paradox Dissolved |
06/28/2017 | Mikhail Smirnov | Ontology and Event Logic |
10/9/2017 | Tudor Protopopescu | A Hyperintensional Logical Framework for Deontic Reasons |
10/16/2017 | Frode Bjørdal | All Properties are Divine or God exists |
10/19/2017 | Melvin Fitting | On Modalities and Quantifiers |
11/29/2017 | Vladimir Krupskiy | On Modelling Confidence and Knowledge in Social Networks |
08/02/2018 |
Denis Fedyanin | Threshold and Network generalizations of Muddy Faces Puzzle |
14/05/2018 |
Vladimir Vasyukov | Kantian Motives in Intuitionism |
28/05/2018 |
Irina Starikova | Is there any “logic of discovery in pictures”: Where do scientific ideas come from? |
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