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Members of the Group

Doctor of Sciences in Ontology and Epistemology, Project's Supervisor
Programme Academic Supervisor: Philosophy
edragalina@hse.ru, edragalina@gmail.com
Vladimir L. Vasyukov

Leading Research Fellow

Doctor of Sciences in Logic
Candidate of Sciences
Fabien Schang

Research Associate

Anastasia O. Kopylova


Doctoral Student: Faculty of Humanities / School of Philosophy
Aleksandr Mishura


Doctoral Student: Faculty of Humanities / School of Philosophy
Buyanova, Anastasia

Undergraduate student (4th year)

Smirnov, Mikhail

Master's student (2nd year)

Malkova, Anastasia

Undergraduate student (2nd year)

Gladyshev, Maksim

Undergraduate student (3rd year)

Gala Maksudova-Eliseeva

Teaching and Learning Specialist

Members of 2015-2016

Kharatyan, Petr

Valiev, Georgiy

Prokopov, Kirill

Gaibaryan, Prapion


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